Amazing DG Couponing Deals (Unlock P&G Savings too!)
Hi everyone! It’s New Year’s Eve and I have some coupon deals for Dollar General for you. Some of these deals can unlock your P&G savings coupons too! We have just a few deals put together for you, but these deals will get you savings on everyday items for your home and family. All the deals are good from 12/31 through 1/4/25! (They can also be turned into $5/25 deals)
Be sure you are scanning with your DG app when in store, this way you know that the item that you pick (size, upc, packaging etc) is attaching to your coupons. As always, remember that some accounts get different coupons, we have seen this many times in the past.
Lastly, we have our cheat sheet ready for you!!!! Thank you Angie! This is a great tool to have when planning your deals, or when shopping to find a quick substitution for an out of stock item. It will help keep your out of pocket as low as possible. Did I mention that you can print out a copy for FREE? Scroll down in this post to find the link to the printable version.
Here is our CHEAT SHEET and you can print it out for FREE when you click HERE