This Saturday’s Deals at Dollar General

Hi everyone! It’s time to plan your Saturday Dollar General deals for January 11, 2025. As always, we have your personal care, laundry and cleaning, baby and grocery deals for you.

Every Saturday you can save an additional $5 off your purchases of $25 or more using the exclusive DG $5/$25 coupon. At an old system store, one where the register still has a physical keyboard, you can stack store and manufacturer coupons to get the most savings.

For a new system store, one that the register is all touch screen, you can still stack your savings, but it is a little different. With a new system if you are using a DG store coupon with a manufacturer and the $5/$25 coupons, you will have to treat those DG store coupons as if they are instant savings. So as an example, if you have a $1.05/1 Tide manufacturer coupon and a $2/1 Tide DG store coupon, you will have to add back in $2 to the subtotal of your deal. If your subtotal is at $25 before coupons, you will have to get to $27 to cover the store coupon. I know that can be stressful but we have a tool that will help you out with this. Our cheat sheet will help you find something at or close to (in this example) $2 but has a coupon making it free or very low out of pocket. We call these filler items. Another great thing about our cheat sheet is that you can print it out for FREE every week and take it instore with you in case something in your deal is out of stock. This way you can look quicky to find a substitution while keeping your total as low as possible.

Did your store not have an item? We got you covered! Here is the Coupon Cheat Sheet to help you substitute what you're missing to help you meet the $25 threshold. Thanks Angie!! (see below for button to printable version)





Couponing Any Day at Dollar General


DG Any Day Couponing