Saturday Household Deals at Dollar General
Hi guys! We have put together your Gain and household Deals for this Saturday at Dollar General. There are bonus deals down below that are not in the video and our cheat sheet is there too!
If you missed the personal care deals, you can find them at this link.
For out food and pet deals, you can find them at this link here.
Add to your savings with Fetch Rewards, if you do not have Fetch Rewards, you can download the app from your app store and use referral code 6682Y .
I also use Receipt Jar to scan my receipts. With Receipt Jar, once you have 1000 points, you can cash out the points for $5 right to your PayPal account. If you do not have Receipt Jar, you can download it from your app store and use referral code DANIB3W96

Tums Ultra 1000 $1.25
Bounce Sheets $5.00
Bounty Essential Paper Towels $5.60
Ajax Dish Liquid $4.25 (B2G1)
2 Fabuloso $3.50 ea (B2G1)
Arm & Hammer liquid $5
Small Spaces $3.25
Subtotal $31.35 -$3.50 (B2G1 Ajax/Fabuloso) Total $27.85
$1.50/1 Tums
$1.50/1 Bounce
$1/1 Bounty
$0.25/1 Fabuloso
$2/1 Arm & Hammer
$2.30/1 Febreze
Coupon total $13.55
Pay $14.30
2 Tide Pods $15.95
$4/1 Tide
$3.50/1 Tide
Pay $19.40
Tide Pods $15.95
Febreze Oil 2 ct (Gain) $10
Subtotal $25.95
$3/10 Gain
$4/1 Tide
$5/1 Febreze
Coupon total $17
Pay $8.95