My Aldi’s Haul-Using an AI Created Shopping List
Hi everyone! Today I went to Aldi’s to shop for snacks with a budget of $40. Autumn and I have been playing with Chat GPT to create our shopping lists. We wanted to know how accurate or close to accurate the pricing and number of items would be.
Be sure to check out the video, it did save a little different, but I promise the information is all in there, and below the video I have more important details that you can refer back to if needed.
Ok, now that you watched the video, I must give a few pointers. First of all, the pricing that Chat GPT gives may be off, close to or right on the mark. As you can see in the pic below, I had my $25 list and marked up what the actual pricing was in my store.
The second thing you need to keep in mind is that what prices I see in my area can vary from your area. I know some items in the different towns in the same state have different pricing.
Lastly the more specific you are the more tailored your lists will be. For example if you need gluten free, organic or any other preference you can specify that in Chat GPT.
I asked “Create a grocery list for snacks at aldi with a $40 budget for a teenager that likes cheese quesadillas, hot pockets, chips and include coffee creamer.” and then asked to remove what I didn’t need or want and lastly asked to add xyz.
My total budget was $40 but the list that was generated after my requests was estimated at $25. I decided to add items in to get as close to $40 as I could. As you saw in the video (I have a pic below too) I was able to add several more items in and paid less than $40.
In the drop-down tabs below, we have done a few scenarios for different budgets and some gluten free.
Do not take the prices that are given as what it will be in-store. You need to check Aldi online or in-store for the most accurate prices.