More Walgreen’s Clearance

Hi guys! I have some more Walgreen’s clearance for you. When you find deals on clearance items, it’s always a great feeling, knowing that you are getting things you want or need for way less than full or regular price.

What could make clearance finds more amazing? Well, if you are asking me, it’s when you scan the item and find a coupon that attaches saving you even more money.

One thing to keep in mind when you are using the Walgreen’s app to scan items is that the price you see in the app may be different. Do not rely on the prices in the app, but you can use it as a tool instore to find coupons for the things you see in clearance.

The items below are all instore, these prices may vary in price and availability by area. We have seen this many times between the team and even some of our followers. Use this post and the visuals as a guide to what you may find.


Today Only B3G3 Bath & Body Works


Walgreen's Clearance Finds