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Walgreen’s Deals this Week

Hi everyone! Autum and Danielle have put together some deals you can do right now at Walgreen’s. These deals are pretty good and earn you rewards or get you points with Fetch Rewards or rebates with iBotta.

 If you do not have FETCH Rewards, you can click this link to get it now.

Ibotta adds new rebates all the time too so also check Ibotta. If you do not have Ibotta click this link to get it now.


Boosters → $5 WCash when you SPEND $20

Boosters → $10 WCash when you SPEND $30 

Some will have different boosters. What you see above is that Autumn has in her account, below is what Danielle has in hers. 

Boosters → $5 WCash when you SPEND $20+

Boosters → $7 WCash when you SPEND $35+


  • -Codes are the same as using IVC/Store Coupon on a transaction. To earn WCash on a spend deal you have to: Take your Subtotal - IVC/Store Coupons FIRST. If the total is still above the amount needed, you can use some of your WCash to get your cost lower. You WILL have to do math. So if you're going to shop online and use a code that's going to give you 25% off on your entire purchase; It’s going to be 25% of your subtotal AFTER IVCs/Store Coupons & Manufacture Coupons.

  • -When using WCash on a SPEND deal (ex. Get $10 WCash when you SPEND $30), you WILL have to do math! The formula is: Subtotal - IVC/Store Coupons FIRST. If you have some wiggle room you can use some of your WCash to get your total down to your threshold amount.

  • EX: Buy 2 Nexxus $16 ea. You have a $5 off 2 Manufacturer Coupon and no IVCs. Subtotal $32. You will be able to use $2 WCash to get your total a lil lower. It’s ALWAYS Subtotal AFTER IVCs/Store Coupons & BEFORE  Manufacturer Coupons.

  • -You can use some or all of your WCash on a BUY deal. “Buy” deals are when you are purchasing a select quanity of an item(s). Ex: Get $5 WCash when you BUY 2. Even if you have an IVC or Code; you can still use your WCash and still earn WCash when you get said amount of items. BE VIGILANT when your reading the deals on the ad and store tags. Some will read “GET $5 WCASH WHEN YOU BUY 2+”. 2+ is 2 or More. Always look for the +.

See this gallery in the original post